emergency departments
**if you have an emergency, please dial 911**
Roscommon County Emergency Management has begun utilizing a new service to access important, valuable community information when you need it, using the latest technology. The agency will create and publish messages through the Nixle Community Information Service. Nixle will then deliver this information to you instantly via text, email, and/or web message. Notifications can also be accessed online at Nixle's web site at www.nixle.com.
Example messages may include weather warnings, missing children as well as other relevant safety and community information.
The service is secure, reliable and easy for our group to use. You decide what information you want and whether you want it sent to your cell phone, email, or just simply over the web.
Please register now at the company's main web site: www.nixle.com or text "ROSCOMMON" to 888777 to receive emergency text messages. The service is free; stay informed!